23 ), which is a nice label given to a letter that is simply saying the IRS has received something from the taxpayer but has not. 02-04-2022 08:54 PM. taxes96786. How to find more details on why your taxes are taking so long? IRS Letter 2645C serves as a notification advising more time is required to process your information. Level 9. Usually, the delay is 60 days. Are you wondering what the IRS letter 2645c is and what it means? 2645C is my all-time favorite and most ambiguous IRS inquiry letter. Why Did I Receive IRS Letter 2645C? According to their website, the IRS sends notices and letters for the following reasons: Balance due – You have a balance due. The letter says, in part. The cycle repeats as the IRS completes processing or request more information. I will say this it dont. Get the latest money, tax and stimulus news directly in your inbox. Why Did I Receive IRS Letter 2645C? According to their website, the IRS sends notices and letters for the following reasons: Balance due – You have a balance due. "Thank you for your inquiry of (date). Once the IRS reviews your refund, they will either issue it as you requested or adjust the amount. 25. This could be a response to a telephone call you placed, a payment you sent, a letter or form you sent, a penalty abatement you requested, an installment agreement you submitted, or any other number of items. IRS Letter 2645C is a notice that the IRS is delaying your case. It is extremely irritating. Manual Transmittal October 06, 2022 Purpose (1) This transmits revised IRM 25. I recived a letter 2645c from the irs inside the letter it say that they need 60 day's to finish there audit. 25. Letter 2645C is telling you that the IRS is reviewing your refund, and they don’t need any information from you. 25. 5, Revenue Protection, General Correspondence Procedures. 19. Can some please help me @Heathermcgraw1 Sounds like you started a return in a TurboTax account and did not finish preparing the return nor file it, so that could explain the email. 1, General Replies to Letters/Notices and Undeliverable Mail - Updated procedures for handling Exam cases. IRS Letter 2645C is a generic letter the IRS sends out if they need more time to process whatever it is they’re processing for you. You or your representative sent information to the IRS. Notice deadline: N/A. The 2645C letter is not mailed out promptly, The follow-up estimates are not accurate. Can some please help me Letter 2645c is sent by the IRS when you, or your representative, have sent in additional tax information, but the IRS has not had time to process it yet. How to find more details on why your taxes are taking so long? IRS Letter 2645C serves as a notification advising more time is required to process your information. Get the latest money, tax and stimulus news directly in your inbox. 2. There’s nothing you can do to speed up your refund. Material Changes (1) IRM 25. 2. The IRS sends Letter 2645C to let you know they are waiting on information or need more time to review the information you or your representative sent. Can some please help me I reveived that same letter I like how it says wait 60 days when i have already waited a year for them to process my 2019 tax refund they sent ne my state check march 2020 and that was it . . Why you received IRS Letter 2645C. I recived a letter 2645c from the irs inside the letter it say that they need 60 day's to finish there audit. The cycle repeats as the IRS completes processing or request more information. 1, General Replies to Letters/Notices and Undeliverable Mail - Updated procedures for handling Exam cases. 5. Usually, the delay is 60 days. (See also Notice CP2006) It is possible to push the IRS by using the Taxpayer Advocate, but that is time-consuming & they may refuse to review the case since normal procedures are being followed. 5. We-re working on your account. Material Changes (1) IRM 25. IRS Letter 2645C. 5, Revenue Protection, General Correspondence Procedures. I recived a letter 2645c from the irs inside the letter it say that they need 60 day's to finish there audit. 25. The 2645C is not customized so that it pinpoints what exactly was received, so if there are multiple concurrent issues on a tax account, it is impossible to determine what the letter refers to. The Internal Revenue Manual refers to them as “interim letters” ( IRM 4. You may get yet another 2645C letter, which says another 60 days is needed for the IRS to action your tax return. Several friends and clients have told me that they have received IRS Letter 2645C and don't know what to do. Manual Transmittal October 06, 2022 Purpose (1) This transmits revised IRM 25. They often send several of these with delays successively. You may get yet another 2645C letter, which says another 60 days is needed for the IRS to action your tax return.